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Challenge the Impossible


Updated: Mar 10, 2024

When I was in my early 20's someone slammed into my car when I stopped at a red light. The car had very little damage, but was left with a bad back and neck injury. I had intense pain that wouldn't let up and I was struggling to walk. It felt like I was walking through water and had to really fight for every step. My regular doctor at first kept thinking once the inflammation from the accident went down it would be fine. I was told I was just sore. After a while when I still wasn't getting any better, I went back. I got sent for a bunch of tests. I was then told I had permanent damage and would never get better. I was given nerve blocks to control the worst of the pain, a bunch of pain pills for when that wore off and was told I would be permanently disabled. I was only in my early 20s. I couldn't accept that I would be like this for the rest of my life.

I eventually found a different doctor who was willing to work with me. He figured out what was preventing me from walking normally. About a year after the accident and after many other doctors said recovery was impossible, I had a small procedure and left walking almost normally. There was a long multi-year road to getting the pain under control, but I learned what worked and what made it worse. Yes, I still have issues now and then. However, I have managed to do many things that people would consider impossible for someone with a bad back and I have been able to get mostly past my injury. Because instead of accepting that recovery was impossible, I challenged the impossible and didn't give up trying.

So many times people tell me things are impossible. I should give up. I shouldn't even try. Sometimes things work and sometimes they don't. If something doesn't work, I figure out where I went wrong, tweak what I'm doing and try again. I make mistakes, but I learn from them. What I want might evolve as I learn more. But if it's something I really want, I will over and over challenge what everyone says is impossible. and the majority of the times, I figure out a way of accomplishing that impossible mission.

I hate seeing when people give up or accept that something is impossible simply because others in their life don't believe its possible. It's only impossible if you believe its impossible. Yes, things may be bad. Yes, it may be difficult. Yes, it may take years. It may feel like there is no hope or no way out. It would not be the impossible challenge if it was easy. But if you give into it then there really is no way out. If you change your thinking, you at least have a chance. And working towards things can make life worth living. Look at it as a problem to solve. Break things down. Don't look at it as a whole. It's too overwhelming. What small things can you do today to move your impossible things in the right direction and challenge the impossible?

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